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Episode 9 | Facebook Group Changes: The Impact on Small Businesses

  • If you are running a group on Facebook you should know about these changes that will impact you. They will no longer be supporting 3rd party plugins and that can be a HUGE shift for you especially if you use products like Zoom, Streamyard, Restream, or even some of the many 3rd party schedulers for[...]

Episode Details

If you are running a group on Facebook you should know about these changes that will impact you. They will no longer be supporting 3rd party plugins and that can be a HUGE shift for you especially if you use products like Zoom, Streamyard, Restream, or even some of the many 3rd party schedulers for your posts.

It will now require more time and energy to connect with your tribe on Facebook and if you are not ready for this, it could be disasterous. Learn more in this 5 minute short and stay in the know on what Facebook is doing!

Also, make sure to give me a rating on this episode on either iTunes or Spotify because it will really help this podcast to grow!

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