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Episode 79 | Should You BE an Entrepreneur?

  • This question that we are posing in today's episode may sound harsh, but trust me, it's a REAL question that deserves an answer. Sometimes we get into entrepreheurship thinking it's going to be easy because that's what a lot of guru's are selling, but there are a lot of qualities you need to have to[...]

Episode Details

This question that we are posing in today’s episode may sound harsh, but trust me, it’s a REAL question that deserves an answer. Sometimes we get into entrepreheurship thinking it’s going to be easy because that’s what a lot of guru’s are selling, but there are a lot of qualities you need to have to be successful in this game. 

Join us today, as we tackle this question and shed some light on some of the character traits, among other things that are needed to become who you want to become in the entrepreneurial space.

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