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Episode 6 | Book or Course: What’s the Best Way to Share Your Knowledge?

  • In this episode, "Book or Course: What's the Best Way to Share Your Knowledge?", we delve into the heart of knowledge sharing in today's digital era. As experts and enthusiasts seek innovative ways to spread their wisdom, the dilemma between writing a book and creating a course becomes increasingly significant. This podcast peels back the[...]

Episode Details

In this episode, “Book or Course: What’s the Best Way to Share Your Knowledge?”, we delve into the heart of knowledge sharing in today’s digital era.

As experts and enthusiasts seek innovative ways to spread their wisdom, the dilemma between writing a book and creating a course becomes increasingly significant. This podcast peels back the layers of perceived value, accessibility, and impact that differentiate these two powerful mediums.

To me, the answer to which is better is an easy one, but why may not always be clear. Join me as we explore the nuances of each approach and the key considerations that should guide your decision. Whether you’re an aspiring author, a seasoned educator, or somewhere in between, this episode will equip you with insights to make an informed choice about the best way to share your unique knowledge with the world.


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